Friday, March 14, 2008

The Sub-conscious Red-alert

ok.. this is screwed up.

Had a super creepy and weird dream.
I'm not gonna say it.
But the only thing i'm releasing is that it has 32/08 in it.
Well, not all of it.
maybe only 2 people... or 1.
Not gonna say anything more.
Hmm.. actually it wasn't that creepy and weird.
Maybe just cause dreaming of them/him/her just after knowing 32/08 for like 1 month? is like pretty screwed up, and the contents are like... plain out of whack?

Normally it takes way longer then that for me to dream of something.
AND... my dream ALWAYS signify what my subconscious is trying to tell me.
so yea. i know this one does too.It has way too many significant details. But what?
Is it really what I've been trying to avoid all along?
Is this what my subconscious mind is trying to tell me?
The way out of all this mess?
That Person. That Key.

Ahh wells, guess i'll go check up the dream interpretation dictionary online later or something.

Timetable's another one's that screwed up.
Monday is just plain dumb. Though I'm in love with Friday's planning.

Bored now. Nothing to do.

8 more days to my bloggie's birthday!
Love ya Blog!
haha 3 years' old le. I'm so proud.
I've spent 3 to 4 hours' preparing it's pressie!
haha can't wait to show it.

ok... guess that's all.

"If Success is hidden deep in the vault of hard work,
Determination is the only method into that vault."
-Yeo WenBin

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