Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009. wow.

so. a year has passed.
No doubt, 2008 is going down into one of my most memorable years.
it's been sad.
it's been happy.
it's been exciting.
it's been bad.
it's been good.

if I have to name my years.
I'll call '08 as the year of truths.

Finding out alot many stuff was one of the highlights of the year.
until the last day of the year, i was realizing new stuff.
finding out new stuff about old people,
and finding out new people.

Of course, not all realizations are good.
as much as i'm impressed by some,
touched by some,
i'm hurt by some,
betrayed by some,
crushed by some.

It has been a chaotic year.
and even till now, 1st of jan.
I'm sure there are still many truths out there.
about many people.

However, I guess next year will be a better year.
Next year, will be a year full of new people.

A whole new cohort.
a whole new class.
new teachers.
perhaps, new friends.

Here's to '09.
Please don't hurt me anymore.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A simple thing.

so it is.

i've been debating with myself whether to go to mh's party.
with the pros and cons both equally convincing.

i still went at last.
and now looking back, i'm glad i did.

really glad.

It's not just the party.

I got to find out one of the reasons of why one has been hating this person for so long in cat high. and the thing was. i really really agree with that when he commented, i was like thinking," I couldn't have said it better myself." just that it took me one more year to realize.I seriously wonder how long more I have to put up with this pretense.

I got to find out the true nature of someone too. This i totally didn't expect. but when it came, it was like, "So what i suspected was true all along." and i kinda convinced myself the person was like this from the very beginning. but didn't believe in it, or what the others say. but now I really see what the person is like.

Oh oh. I also found out an unexpected side of someone. ok now this one is TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. and i was like kinda shocked. and i was asking myself why everyone behaves this freaking way. it's so hateful. and i can already see this person on the road to being someone else that is hated.

of course no names shall be revealed here.

but overall, the party was fun.
thanks minghan!

3 truths in a party?
hell it's a good one.