Saturday, July 31, 2010

Set up the blue sky;here comes the black.

My life is a huge bunch of an entangled twine.
That didn't even made any sense.

There are a million things running around my mind.
But most of them revolve around,
"It's been a long time since I listened to 'Love-Drunk'"
and "Geog!" "Econs!" "Popular!"
and alot more other randomly unconnected topics,
thus making a million things.

It's not...stress.
It's more of...
dang, I think it's stress.

I need a time-out.
But it just feels so tiring and guilt-heavy everytime I watch tv.
yet so rewarding and liberating everytime I open up a textbook.
I think I need help.

I should probably be getting back to my geography.
or economics.

or maybe i just need some sleep.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Title has been Killed In Action


There are some times when I really need a break,
yet I don't seem to have any time to receive them.

There are work to be done,
yet nothing seem to go in.

I really think I can learn
alot more if there weren't examinations.

The stress seem to drive students to,
in a rush to learn what they have to,
forget the details, the important lessons.

I mean,
is education all about
what's in the syllabus,
and what's not?

But I guess
I'm just overwhelmed.
And after tomorrow's geog test
(which I'm going to flunk, so badly.)
I guess it'll be a relief,
to get the load off my back.