Friday, December 21, 2012

at least i'm not as sad as i used to be.

i think i've found it.

that's it.

to live off attention.
to feed on it,
to laugh with it,
to embrace it like a dear friend.

where the stage is my world,
and the spotlight is my calling.

and when the curtains close,
i keep looking for that high.

for that approval,
that spotlight.

i think i need professional help.

or maybe,
i just need a hobby.

yea, a hobby sounds about right.

Monday, December 17, 2012

i know we've just met but let's pretend it's love.

i'm looking at an empty page.

with my ink pen,
i have so many thoughts,
so many memories.

i want to write them all down,
the dilemmas,
the problems,
the insecurities,
the issues.

and when my pen touches the paper,
nothing comes out.

my heart's simply ran out of ink.