Saturday, August 11, 2012

when you start blowing up your bridges to the outside world, does it hurt?

went out last night,
might be the life in green,
the company,
but it's fun i haven't had in a long time.

i'm sitting here,
but i don't really know what else to type anymore.

maybe i'm finally satisfied.

but probably not.

maybe i'm just messed up.

but for now,
i feel alright.

and that's all that matters for now,
as i blow up all my bridges to the outside world.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

so,it's another birthday.

I figured I should probably type something since it's national day and all.

Although nation is just a word,
and the concept of nationality does seem a little flawed,
i'm glad i'm a singaporean.

it's way too safe,
way too comfortable and
way too nanny-state.

but i guess without all those,
i wouldn't have wanted to travel,
to explore and discover.

happy birthday, little nation.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

So I cross my heart and hope to die

There are many issues that we as society misses out.
for one, we are an extremely bad judge of prasies or scoldings.

We praise a person when he does something positive.
We scold a person when he does something negative.
That's the basics.

However, a person's actions often do not straight out fall into the positive or negative sectors.
What then?

And here comes the problem:
Do you scold a person because he did not do anything positive?
and do you praise a person because he did not do anything negative?

Must people do the former, but not the latter.
Which is kind of hypocritical, if you ask me.

frankly, I would choose to ignore the grey area, and to indifferent to the indifferent.
but i guess some people feels it's right.
ok then.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

the ones, twos, one two three fours.

Got my best soldier plague and letter of commendation this week.

Long week break ahead,
maybe i'll find something worthwhile to do,
before my course starts.

maybe a little web design,
or a little tv.

Or maybe a little going out,
would be nice.
