Friday, November 24, 2006

So I'm in my room alone now...

I'm alone in my room now and it's half an hour to midnight. My mum and bro went to Penang early this morning and will be staying there for 3 days and my dad will be out working and will only be back home late at night. So I guess I'm gonna be Home Alone for these few days. it's good, in a sense, gives me time to calm down and think about recent happenings and the upcoming O levels next year. Sigh, I want to finish downloading my Need For Speed:Carbon in time for the Class Chalet on Monday but the only way i can do that is to leave my tablet on throughout the night, which i am forbidden to do.sigh. Feel like having a black screensaver and so that he does not notice and when the ask about me not offing the modem I'll just say I forgot. But I'm scared that my tablet will overheat, though it's gonna be in an air-conditioned room. Sigh. I dun noe what to do. I'm Bored, Sian, Confused,Tired and wanna EAT you up muhaha =p

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