Saturday, February 03, 2007

New Bag! <3

so yea, my new self is working out pretty well.

And due to the fact that I was so busy and could not buy my bag during the weekdays.

She dragged me to beach rd and bought it at the army market.

Wasn't the bag I had in mind, but still pretty nice.
though I wanted to buy a branded bag with that 100 bucks TT

So it's a options bag, that has the size of a crumpler, but the base is a lot larger.
and the design isn't that nice.

I wanted a branded bag though, but since she bought it for me, I can't complain. sigh.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Revamp Of Me.

okay. this is gonna be a short one.

I'm going to go through a major revamp of myself.

Yes. I've thought about it.

I've been exiled.

And fate is trying to tell me something.

I'm not gonna kill myself further

So, Log of Update patch of Yeo WenBin.

-Changed new bag

-Studious attidute

-Computer rehabilition

-Changed new pencil case

-Notebooks to take down notes

-No more fooling around

-Got rid of gaming bugs.

Yea. So that means no more online activity.

Bye all!


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