Friday, March 30, 2012

Where's fluffy?

just watched nick and norah's infinite playlist

it was so sweet that i just felt utterly depressed at the end of it all.

Life's getting tougher.
so many questions
so little answers.

I guess I just hoped someone would be there
beside me,
walk with me down nameless streets
from sundown to sunrise.

a swig of the bottle or two,
sitting on a nearby pavement.
looking at the night sky,
and talking about
and nothing
all at once.

but it's just me.

and it's no fun having just me.

The Take Over, The Break's over.

what is right?

Is it the way it has always been done?
or is it what's decided by majority?
or maybe,
just maybe,

it is what you reason it out to be.

Must the right thing benefit the high and mighty?
or only benefit the poor, the hungry and the sad?
or maybe,
just maybe,

we can find a balance between the two?

Too many issues,
too many expectations.

But still, I learn.

I will stand by what I think is right.
I'll probably end up making enemies.

But from the way i figure it,
if I don't make real enemies,
I'll never find true friends.

I'm not All mighty.
But at least I'm trying.

I guess I just hoped,
things would be different.

the easy way is often not the right one.

so I hope you would look in,
and stand up.
at least, for what is right,
and not for what has always been.

it's your call.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I could stick around.

Getting up and over my head.

I'm tired, confused and don't really know what to believe in anymore.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

There's something you should know.

The world has moved on.
and here I am.
trapped between the future and the past.

You look to the past for help,
to get you through.
Just to see that there is no longer
anyone there.

Everyone is in the future.
So you look to the future,
but no one has time in the future,
not anymore. because in the future,
everyone is too busy chasing their dreams.

So there the rest of us stay,
stuck in the present.

I wish everyone was still in the past.
But everyone wants the future,
so who am I to deny them?

 I guess I just hoped,
that at least one,
even one,
will turn around,
and notice the rest of us
trapped behind.

More than that,
I hope I can get out.

But I guess it ain't that bad,
to at least have someone
from the future who cares.

Slept for only 3 plus hours yesterday,
had office duty.
 So ranting whatever's on my mind.

Being doing alot of thinking lately.
maybe too much.
Turns out all depressing at night.

P.S. I am going to get braces soon.
P.P.S. Maybe a driving license
P.P.P.S.Or maybe not.