Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Feel Of Buzz

yea yea.
Been a long time since I posted.
So here it is.

I actually have a long post in mind about the horrible lyrics of modern pop songs
But it was too long and I am really tired now so i will probably do it tomorrow.

Been working.
Server at madrian oriental.
Not easy.
Basically hard labour.
Carry Susan, wedding tables, the such.
Pay's good though, so I'm not complaining.

and been out on guitar trips! wooooooooooooooooo.
and L4D2 and COD.
' s a fun week, to say the least. heh.

Sunday, January 09, 2011


Being doing lots of reading.
Not novels though.
Or , Graphic Novels.
Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, The Walking Dead, stuff.
Awesome stuff.

Work the week after next.
Still sick.
Ulcer...killing me.
Please heal by tomorrow.

Life aint getting too good.
Bored as hell.
and the ulcer is... as painful as it is,
preventing me from binge eating,
or eating anything at all.
which is actually helping out with my weight loss.

Although it kind of sucks to do it this way.
But.... no time like the present, I guess.

Ok. gonna go and eat soon.
Nothing to report I guess.
WenBin, out.