Saturday, December 31, 2011

So here it goes again.

so. one more year. 2011.
To be honest,
I'm awfully glad this year is over.

The transition to army.
Has been kinda overwhelming, 
to say the least.

The punishments,
the screaming,
the torture,
the jungles.
(oh man, the jungles.)

And the people.
I've missed way too many people,
until I figured,
I could probably cling on,
if I kept keeping in contact.

Every message from the outside world,
felt like a bottle rolling up the waves
onto the beach...just for me.

To sum it up,
I'm among masses of people
every second.
But I've never felt more lonely.

So here's to 2012.
To accepting where I am.
Not changing into who I am not,
just because of where I am.
And when the time comes,
for the world to be liberated.
That I am right there.

And all my regrets will be no more.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dammit, man. Just do it already.

I know I want to write something.
But I have no idea why,
or what, for that matter.

End of the year always gets more and more depressing.
Feel as though I am rotting my life away.

Although come to think of it,

there IS something wrong.

Something I can never get.
It always has to be something better,
something bigger,
something out of this world.

And once it is out of this world?
into other worlds.

Try as I might,
I can never sit down,
look at what I have accomplished,
and go 'That's enough, good job!'

I either continue working at it,
or i just give up.

and sad to say,
i usually just do the latter.

Yeap. that must be it.
Or it could be the crazy depressive streak talking.
Either way makes sense, I guess.

Oh great, my internet just died out.
Way to make my night that much better.
Now I need to wait for it to come back online.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

To: Santa

Dear Santa,
     Once again, thank you for all the presents. You have no idea how much joy you have gave the world. The hopes of children, the joy of snow and probably the parent's wallet who are smiling at the weighing scale. I can only imagine the hard work you have to go through to deliver them to every nice children in the world, be it snow, sun or rain. I reckon you should probably sign on for Special Forces. They sure could use someone like you. Who would ever want to shoot anyone in a big red suit bearing presents? And for you, you can finally get deleting with some of the people on your 'naughty' list. Less names, less work, eh?
     I spent my year enlisted in the Army. After learning how to kill human beings for a whole year, I have a feeling my name is never gonna appearing on the 'nice' list. Heck, I think I could probably sign on for the 'Naughty' permanent membership card. I'm okay with not receiving any presents, it's not like asians believe too much in giving presents anyway. Or giving away anything, for that matter.
    But for such a nice man giving away toys every year, Do you receive presents on Christmas? Children all over the world are picking up their pens and writing letters to you about what they want, but who has ever written to you asking you what YOU want for Christmas? It must be sad up there during Christmas, where everyone is busy working. While teenagers, lovebirds and married couples are snuggling by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows, looking out at the snow and deep into each other's eyes, talking about everything and nothing at all, you are in the rain, the snow and the moonlight trying to get your reindeer to move.
    Who knows? Maybe the big corporations like Tommy, Lego and Apple give you commission every Christmas. That would explain why your toys always seem to hold your sponser's name. It would hold a highly doubtful financial enterprise, but one that works, nonetheless.
    No matter the questions, I just hope this letter reaches you on time. I have seen on TV that FedEx has a highly sophisticated delivery system where they use tactical helicopters, hi-tech vans that can detect amount of vehicles on the route they are planning to take and probably teleportation devices too. So I am going to use FedEx to get this letter over to the North Pole. Where it will be crammed with hundreds of glitter-filled 'Hi Santa!' asking for barbie dolls and IPads.
    Merry Christmas, Santa.

Yours Sincerely,
WenBin (No, not the one in China.)