Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Internal Dispute.

Back. I should probably start on my blogskin today.
Not much mood to do anything today.
Internal dispute.

And I so wanted to do GP AQ.
Guess that would have to be left 'till tomorrow.
Don't really know what to say.
Just wanted to type something.

Don't even have mood now to do the lit homework that I was looking forward to. =(
Everything's hell once I woke up.

For some reason, trying to listen to happy songs doesn't really work. hmmmmm.
Ok i guess I need to give it a little bit more time to sink in ><
Shall start on my GP quiz first.

Dreamt I was trying to escape a room with 3 other people, my brother one of them.
was trying all sorts of ways.
When one of them finally found the door hidden behind a large cardboard, I woke up.
And it was hellllll.

Ah wells, shall do GP first, then shall see how.
Life isn't really the best at home now.
Hmmmm. If I had promoted that's 2 years without home.
HELL yea.
too bad. You give some and you take some I guess.

Still drowsy.
I want to go back to sleep.
At least escaping from a ferocious-looking room is better than hell.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


flu is the new zombie virus!
omgomg this is so so so cool!

just saw channel 5 news!
said something about the people who get the NEW flu strain

ok so this NEW flu strain
is immune to Tamiflu: can't be destroyed
causes unrecognizable mutterings
causes hallucinations THAT cause people to jump off high buildings.

hahahaha this is SO cool!
Remember folks, you heard it here.... from yeo wenbin!

hmmmm ok back to business.
Started work today!
Work as in HOMEwork.
Boo. =(
Found out i Dunno how to do alot of maths questions.
This is badddd.
Shall consult shaun clinton weeseng they all.
though i hope they don't forget it all already.

I need something to cheer me up.
Not that I'm particularly down or something,
just that...
I dunno, an outing or two would be nice.

Too bad the nearest chalet is coming only near end of dec =(

Ahh wells.
Must.. stay.. happy..
Oh, and it's time to stock up on the guns!
Zombie fever! MUAHAHAHHAA.

Remember folks, you heard it first from... Yeo WenBin!