Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Gaia's Rule

ok,I wanted to edit my previous post made earlier today to fit this in, but realized that it wouldn't be eye-catching enough.

Anyway, I've decided,since I was so bored, to start a weekly novel entry. It probably sucks, but still I'm putting it up.

I'll start with today's entry, hope the feedback's positive, here goes.

Gaia’s rule

Chapter 1

The world was covered in darkness. It had been like that for as long as people could remember. Perhaps a small handful of really old people had seen light when they were infants, but other than that, the word “Light” was a non-existent word in the people’s vocabulary.
“Hurry up you fool!” The Murgongs took a stick and stabbed it into the old man’s back, killing him immediately. The old man smiled and fell onto the floor. He had died a quick death, and it was every human’s hope in this world, to die quickly and painlessly.
The Murgongs were a bunch of creatures, so foul that calling them a beast is like naming a serial rapist and murderer a pope. They came a hundred years ago from the skies and took over Gaia in a hurry. The people could have defended themselves against the Murgongs, but they were so engaged in their own internal wars that it was more than easy for the Murgongs to take over Gaia.
Everything was darkness after that. Having rights was as impossible as killing a Murgong while they had command. Nobody knew where they came from, or their history and if anyone dared to even ask, or check, their deaths were torturous. They would be electro ducted with electricity that was enough to cause them pain, lots of it, but not enough to kill them, and that was only for starters. In fact, their brutality would have made a sadist look like a saint.
This story now revolves around a small young girl. She was born on the month of morak and it was stated that all children born on the month of morak had to plow the fields to farm food for the Murgongs. She was forced to carry an axe and chop down a tree at the tender age of eight. In fact, she had a whip scar across her back as a souvenir of that incident. At ten, she had to farm Inginrinos for the Murgongs.
It was a tough job, farming Inginrinos. Well, unless, you call putting your head underwater for a full minute to dig up the ground, plant the seed and hit the murky soil to make it firm easy. Being such a young girl, she often fainted due to the Murgongs forcing her head underwater to plant these Inginirinos.
She was born on the time of Genevio. It was the time of birth that was auspicious to humans. Babies born in the hour of Genevio had an optimistic outlook and was extremely determined. Thus, this young girl hoped that one day she could break out of the rule of the Murgongs. She even fantasized sometimes that she would be the heroine of the rebel tribe and she would stab the Murgong leader in the heart personally.
Even though the Murgongs seemed to triumph over humans, humans were still the ruler in the world of imagination. Murgong had the creativity of a germ. Humans could stay sane under the harsh rule of the Murgong due to their imagination of them chasing them away.

Gaia's Rule

ok,I wanted to edit my previous post made earlier today to fit this in, but realized that it wouldn't be eye-catching enough.

Anyway, I've decided,since I was so bored, to start a weekly novel entry. It probably sucks, but still I'm putting it up.

I'll start with today's entry, hope the feedback's positive, here goes.

Gaia’s rule

Chapter 1

The world was covered in darkness. It had been like that for as long as people could remember. Perhaps a small handful of really old people had seen light when they were infants, but other than that, the word “Light” was a non-existent word in the people’s vocabulary.
“Hurry up you fool!” The Murgongs took a stick and stabbed it into the old man’s back, killing him immediately. The old man smiled and fell onto the floor. He had died a quick death, and it was every human’s hope in this world, to die quickly and painlessly.
The Murgongs were a bunch of creatures, so foul that calling them a beast is like naming a serial rapist and murderer a pope. They came a hundred years ago from the skies and took over Gaia in a hurry. The people could have defended themselves against the Murgongs, but they were so engaged in their own internal wars that it was more than easy for the Murgongs to take over Gaia.
Everything was darkness after that. Having rights was as impossible as killing a Murgong while they had command. Nobody knew where they came from, or their history and if anyone dared to even ask, or check, their deaths were torturous. They would be electro ducted with electricity that was enough to cause them pain, lots of it, but not enough to kill them, and that was only for starters. In fact, their brutality would have made a sadist look like a saint.
This story now revolves around a small young girl. She was born on the month of morak and it was stated that all children born on the month of morak had to plow the fields to farm food for the Murgongs. She was forced to carry an axe and chop down a tree at the tender age of eight. In fact, she had a whip scar across her back as a souvenir of that incident. At ten, she had to farm Inginrinos for the Murgongs.
It was a tough job, farming Inginrinos. Well, unless, you call putting your head underwater for a full minute to dig up the ground, plant the seed and hit the murky soil to make it firm easy. Being such a young girl, she often fainted due to the Murgongs forcing her head underwater to plant these Inginirinos.
She was born on the time of Genevio. It was the time of birth that was auspicious to humans. Babies born in the hour of Genevio had an optimistic outlook and was extremely determined. Thus, this young girl hoped that one day she could break out of the rule of the Murgongs. She even fantasized sometimes that she would be the heroine of the rebel tribe and she would stab the Murgong leader in the heart personally.
Even though the Murgongs seemed to triumph over humans, humans were still the ruler in the world of imagination. Murgong had the creativity of a germ. Humans could stay sane under the harsh rule of the Murgong due to their imagination of them chasing them away.

The Clash Of The Elements

Damn pissed off. dunno why.

Quarreled with my idiotic bro and my mom. Then my mom is going to start quarreling with my dad when he comes home. My family is damn fucked-up.

Just shouted at her that I will never eat dinner at home ever again. She keeps on forcing food onto me when I keep telling her I'm not hungry. Who the hell will force other people to eat food?

Yea, I screwed up my appetite when i reading that same stephen king book. Cause that sick-ass woman talk to herself until she went so crazy she actually grasped a nearby glass and crushed it so hard that the glass splinters all stuck to her hand so that there were blood which could act as a lubricant to let her hand squeeze out of her cuffs. Then she found out it was not enough so she start sawing her hand on the broken glass splinters so her wrist could become thinner. Then Stephen had to make the details so damn vivid until I wanted to vomit and had to gulp down a bottle of water.

Thus, I totally lost my appetite for tonight. And I hate my family still.

I dunno why, but it's like I keep on holding on to this whole bunch of stuff and I keep wanting to burst it out and scream and shout, but I can't cause it just won't come out. Maybe a little more agitation from my bloody screwed-up family members ought to do it, then I'll really feel a lot better.

"When someone causes you pain, KILL him."
Yea, feeling like that now.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

To Liberate the Liberated

alright. whee. tomorrow's the last day of the damn prelim THAT LASTED FOR A WHOLE DAMN MONTH! Gah.

Went to the library to study with tze kai today, went to borrow Gerald's game by Stephen king on my way there. Oh man, the story is god-damn screwed.

It's like some bondage-turn-horror story where the female bondagee acidentally killed the guy who wanted to make love to her. then she is trapped there in her bondage kit, not being able to move in a secluded place and there are suddenly there are voices talking to her in her head and stuff. Then she starts answering back like she siao liddat. damn screwed story.

Only read half-way though, don't think I will have the mood to finish the thing. Cause the story line's damn screwed up. LOL. Who the hell want to read about a girl who gets trapped in a bondage kit and goes crazy and start talking to herself. If this was made into a literary text, it would be one of the most difficult text in history sia.

Alright, enough about that. I'm tired and bored, and I'M GOD-DAMN SCARED FOR MATHS TOMORROW! gah. I never even practice much for maths and I really need that A as my science already screwed up le.

I'll end of with this universal motto for Maths:
M.M.M.M.M.M(Maths Motto:Maths Make Me Mad)

So , I better go sleep le. alright all, nights!