Friday, August 20, 2010

Sit up, stand up, scream and shout

I'm crazy.

Yea. probably.

De-stressing is now a vital part of our lives.
Because blowout is coming up the horizon.

And there's this innate need to last out as long as possible.
Possibly after A-levels.
before all hell breaks loose.


Soo yeap.
I'm here.
going to have a nice good long night of rest.

and a big thanks to dezhan and gang!
they heard I wanted a harmonica
and they got me one today! HAHAHA.
I'm so happy now! lalala.
(even though I have absolutely no idea how to play it.)

oh and I heard how loud a vuvuzela can really go.
yea but I'm going crazy too.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anyway you choose it come on

So yeap.

Just came back.
Went to have dinner with family.

and I didn't even get to study much today.
tomorrow, tomorrow.
It's always tomorrow.

At least I know tomorrow will be a more...
relaxed school day.

and no timed prac!
thank you.
thank you.

Ever had the feeling,
everyone knows something
that you don't?

Yea I know,
me too.

me too.