Friday, October 14, 2011

Always regret that you did, and not that you didn't

Back from another week in camp.
Last week there.
On one hand, life's there been tough.
on another, life at seletar will most likely be worse.
I think now would be a very good time for the phase out of the frying pan into the fire.
Or in my case, out of the field into the sea.
sea. water. river. gonna have lotsa fun. yay. (sarcasm detected)

Life outside still seems meaningless.
Been updating myself and learning new skills through books.
General information, abit of behavioral science, etiquette, and the such.

Sleep, for one, has NOT been enough.
I think I need more sleep than others...or something.
Always end up feeling more tired than others, 
even though I slept way, alot more.

But I guess at least I'm out now.
So I can enjoy myself, even if it is just for a while.

There might be shellscrapes.
There might be water.
There might be sleepless nights.
There might be hell.
Still, I'm hoping for the best.

And keeping my fingers very tightly crossed.

Very VERY tightly crossed.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Dying for the small talk

hey. back.

First, a big shout-out to all: Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday! Really appreciated it. Especially being in camp and all. Especially to yeongjing, yanjie and amanda who took me out to celebrate! =D

Next week marks the end of my basic engineering course.
then it's off to seletar for me. my permanent home.
A new life. New horror stories.

if there is one thing I've learnt from all this transition, it's that the first few days are always the worst. But it just needs some getting used to. Nothing is THAT bad. I hope.

Needa study for test tomorrow. And here I were thinking army could give me a break from studying. dammit.

have a great night!