Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Clash Of The Elements

Damn pissed off. dunno why.

Quarreled with my idiotic bro and my mom. Then my mom is going to start quarreling with my dad when he comes home. My family is damn fucked-up.

Just shouted at her that I will never eat dinner at home ever again. She keeps on forcing food onto me when I keep telling her I'm not hungry. Who the hell will force other people to eat food?

Yea, I screwed up my appetite when i reading that same stephen king book. Cause that sick-ass woman talk to herself until she went so crazy she actually grasped a nearby glass and crushed it so hard that the glass splinters all stuck to her hand so that there were blood which could act as a lubricant to let her hand squeeze out of her cuffs. Then she found out it was not enough so she start sawing her hand on the broken glass splinters so her wrist could become thinner. Then Stephen had to make the details so damn vivid until I wanted to vomit and had to gulp down a bottle of water.

Thus, I totally lost my appetite for tonight. And I hate my family still.

I dunno why, but it's like I keep on holding on to this whole bunch of stuff and I keep wanting to burst it out and scream and shout, but I can't cause it just won't come out. Maybe a little more agitation from my bloody screwed-up family members ought to do it, then I'll really feel a lot better.

"When someone causes you pain, KILL him."
Yea, feeling like that now.

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