Thursday, March 13, 2008

Love's Break-up

Gonna start off the day with a little poem i conjured.
I know my poems are like getting worse. probably cause it's being so super long since i wrote them. But yea.

Love's Break-up
By:Yeo WenBin

It began with a stop, look and stare.
It ended with a walk, run and a train fare.

It was a Love at first sight.
It was a Hate many sights after.

It was a pink world of warmth.
It was a green eye-ed monster of form.

It was the new illusion of happiness.
It was the old tears of sadness.

The Sun never came out of the sea until I saw it with you.
The Sun never sank into the sea until I saw it alone with the tree of yew.

The shooting stars ignited the same wish deep within us.
The shooting stars fell, dimmed, glowered and died inside it's husk.

The new surge of power gave us the courage to conquer everything.
The new surge powered us to break each other's heart.

The meaning of Love was never understood by me till I saw you.
The meaning of Loss was now understood as I see you walk away.

You gave me my first-ever kiss.
I gave you my first-ever tears.

You gave me my first-ever valentine gift.
I gave you my first-ever wedding ring.

They say Love is a double-edged sword.
You said we just hit the edge facing us.

They say Cupid's arrow are meant to last.
You said he probably used his last lousy arrow on us.

You gave me a gift before walking away.
I opened it before running away in tears.

Inside was 4 words.
Outside was a world of meaning.




Hmm... going out later. guess that's all. bored now.
Maybe i'm posting later. who knows?

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