Thursday, March 06, 2008

Get your party gear in check, for the time has come


tomorrow last day of school!


ok, anywayy, my horo says i've got to be the back person tomorrow. the one that does not go round attracting attention. darnn. and i was jsut feeling so super-duper happy tomorrow.

ahh wellls, we'll see how things turn out then.

For life's unpredictable. That much I've learnt on my first step to understanding it.

And people often say the majority is right.
Just because one person suddenly announces that your brain is at your feet. It is sure to be wrong. Why is it wrong? cause everybody else says it's at your head.

You know, I guess this is human nature. To agree with the masses. To not find fault with them. And I guess that's how elections and democracy works. Just because majority of the country say this person is reliable to rule the country, he IS sure to be able to rule the country well.

Sure, there've been lots of examples through the times and ages proofing that the majority is wrong. We have the 'world is not round' incident, 'Darwinism' and much much more.

But still, we see signs. Not only signs, but open encouragement of this activity.
"Due to popular demand", "back due to large demand".

And these masses will often look down on those special few. Those special few who decides not to follow the majority and carve their ideas up the ladder. We have rebellion groups, Atheists, and many others. These people bother to think out of what others didn't. They bother to fight for what they think is right. And yet we condemn them.

Let's look on a more recent event. Mas selamat. You know, I've been really thinking about him. I know I've got extreme paranoia. But then, I often have this streak of thought telling me. What if he isn't in the wrong?

Maybe he tried to stop the U.S. from attacking China, and U.S. immediately announced to the world that he is a terrorist chief. Maybe he led in a protest against hunger and poverty in Indonesia, and Indonesia happily put the blame of a recent bombing on him.Maybe he found a way to stop using coal to produce power. and these multi-national companies just used their influence to accuse him.

And now, because of this wide-spread phenomena. I bet you almost 99.9% of the people out there just believes the government for the word that he is a terrorist. I don't know. He maybe be in the wrong. He may not be. But whatever it is, I sure hope it's the latter.

Now, latter or former, we all know he has nowhere to run. Even if he's innocent, He can't just come and surrender himself, for no one will believe him now. Many of us will immediately see him as a terrorist. And almost none of us will see his good qualities, or his innocence(if he really is).

This just proves my point again. The majority can be easily swayed. Just through a few million sms-es, a few newspaper articles and you have a world-wide phenomena. And because of this, the majority is heavily inaccurate in it's judgment. Many of us study history in secondary of junior college. We see the effect of propaganda, and relieve ourselves in thinking we don't have to suffer it. What we don't see is that, we're already under it's control. Once you start believing what the straits times or the major newspapers says as compared to the smaller papers. You are an easy victim (or already are) of propaganda. Looking at the mas selamat incident, I can safely conclude that almost all singaporeans are heavily under the heavy spell of government propaganda.

And if the U.S. governments and all those around the world starts declaring Lee Kwan Yew is a terrorist, I bet you at least more than 3/4 of the world will start seeing him as one immediately.

I am an anti-majoritist.
I am one who is not yet willing to stand up for my ideas.But I will try.
I will try.

-Yeo WenBin

Ok, the above is just like some sudden inspirational streak after i keep seeing mas selamat's name appearing everywhere. haha, that means my writing skills are coming back! yeeeeha!


"A human can't have dreams,
If he doesn't even bother to sleep."
-Yeo WenBin

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