Monday, April 28, 2008

The Word of the World

-I need some time, by myself, without anybody else-

And here I am.
Tired, finished a lot of stuff today. alot alot alot alot.
and i'm worn out.
worn out like a carpet that's been stepped on.
again and again.

And the ringing. the ringing won't stop.
it just goes on. in my head.
it's trying to tell me something, i know it is.
and when i pick up the ringing.
it stops.
and now it stops.
and now it stops.

I hate PI. and chinese. and everything else that is bugging my stressful life in AJ. which is pretty much everything.

Mood: Moody, stressed
Weather: Drizzling Night

-I need to go far away, a few years back would be ok-
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