Monday, April 12, 2010


What if we all could just agree
to live together in the world, in perfect harmony?
What if we all could find a way
to live a better life today?

So I'm back.
After a tiring day at PE.
And i need to cut my hair.
BUT my mum's like... out working.
So looks like my haircut can only come in...
a few days' time.
Just hope i don't get caught.

I need a game plan.
For my work.
for... whatever I'm doing.
I mean, it's not like I'm lagging behind.
I'm not, actually.
It's more of... wanting to know what's next.

And I also need the time.
To pick out some time to actually... study.
It's like... I'm in the mood to study,
Just too much distractions, too much noise,
yada yada.

Getting hooked on Futurama.
It's seriously way better than the Simpsons.
I mean Simpsons is funny, yes.
But Futurama parodies everything around us.
Which makes it seriously so much better.

Had PE today. My physical ability is like... gone.
like seriously, gone. no more. zilch.
Either I have gained weight like crazy,
or I haven't been exercising.
I think it's both.. actually.
Ok i'mma gonna start exercising.

Guess that's all.
and I still haven't figured myself out.

"What... is trust? Is it just a form of secret-keeping? or... something more?"
Yeap. Guess that's all.

And the blizzard huffed
across the cold tundra
of ice, ice, and ice.
Everything was a sheet of transparent white,
as the sun glared down, with no effect.
No one lived here.
No one ever did.
And that?
would be my address.

Season: Spring

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