Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

I so have to make a 2012 playlist;
which I shall listen to on the end of the world.
Regardless of whether it happens or not.
At least I know I'll feel damn bad-ass. HAHA.

So today!
I watched "Departures", credit to fangyu who lent me the DVD =)
It's a really good show!
And it actually was funny in some parts,
albeit it was quite a touching show throughout.
There were still some questions in the show that went unanswered though.
But those weren't the main points of the show so overall it's awesome.

Then I watched Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs
It was ... a funny metaphor of how religion started.
according to them, when D-day came,
Hell was the good guys and heaven was the evil monster.
that came down in tentacles and brainwashed everyone. HAHA.

Gonna watch Indiana Jones later.
(Hey, don't blame me for my movie marathon,
I finished my SGC already. HAVE YOU.)
And I still haven't watched "Kingdom of the crystal Skull"
soooo. today's a good day as any to watch it.

Gonna play basketball with my brother later.
Around 6-ish?
Then buying dinner home after that.
Or do we have dinner at home?
ok i need to call my mum later.
ok i'm just rambling on and on and on.
ah wells.

See you back in school!
(or outside school if you guys are either IN NS. or WORKING. or WATCHING DRAMA.)

Season: Autumn

Cracked walls,
Showed the tireless work
of a milllion workers.
Who slaved to finish up,
their own prisons.
They had to escape,
to run away, into the darkness.
Where the unknown lay,
where perhaps,
the wall could finally come down.

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