Monday, March 01, 2010

Gives You Hell

When you see my face
hope it gives you hell
when you walk my way
hope it gives you hell

I wanted to type out the whole lyrics to that song.
ahhh screw it.

going to be a short entry.
Cause i've got a minor headache.
and i need to study econs.
and i'm only on lecture 2.
and i need help for econs. LOL.

maybe this test may be a confidence booster.
even thought the P(passing the test)= 0.0000000000000000001

so yea.
just watched the matrix.
saw some new concepts i didn't catch the first, or second or third time i watched it. HAHAHA.

anyway! will leave off with some interesting facts:
the word "racecar" is spelt the same forwards and backwards
the word "suns" read the same upside down.
the fear of palindromes(words that read the same upside down or forward backwards) is called aibohphobia

Let the wind howl, let the thunder come,
for someone's going to suffer.
and it ain't gonna be me.

I should really compile all these one day. HAHAHA.
go away you stupid headache. shoo!

Season: Autumn

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