Monday, March 09, 2009


-tonight, tonight, he's gonna get it right, even losers can get lucky sometimes-


and coughing like hell.

ok i'm confused.
for studies.

not confused like don't understand confused.
but confused like what to do confused.

which is kinda a good ting compared to don't understand confused.
but still not good since it's like... confused?

back for another episode of....
funny lines!
i did a research on pick-up lines once.
and pasted some super funny ones.
shall put them up here again next post.

for now....
it's the stupidest break-up lines!

1)Maybe we have too much in common.  We are too much alike.
2)I feel like this break up has made our relationship so much stronger.
3)I love you. I love hanging out with you. You are so easy to live with. I want everything to remain the same except the boyfriend/girlfriend thing
4)I could have easily have married you....maybe if we're still single in five years..
5)You're Muslim, and I'm Hindu, this is never going to work, I'm sorry(if you get the whole muslim/hindu thing.)
6)I just don’t thing we’re ‘suitable’ suitable

ok that's all so far.
now it's spongebob! 
then study for geog test. rawrs.


-in a perfect world, all the geeks get the girls-

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