Sunday, April 06, 2008

The shadow that lived under the sunlight

-I'm 22 for a moment-

Bah. Went library the whole day today. tired. as usual.
Spent the morning fretting over maths. gave up at 1 plus.
picked up the kite runner when i saw it at the fiction section.
decided to read it since i saw it on the top place of the bestsellers' list on the sunday times this morning.
Breath-taking. By the time i took my eyes off the last word of the book, it was already 6pm plus.
Must have been one of the most emotionally-enriching novels i've read so far.
And the Assaf guy in the novel is gross. He's freaking gay at the age of 11? yucks.
But still. using brass knuckles to beat people up at that age is wayyy sick.
I almost cried la at the part when hassan was bullied.

Yea. and andrew just sms-ed me asking to go out for dinner on friday night! yay!
haha been such a long long time since i met him and daryl and junfeng.
I bet all of them have changed. Probably for the better. I hope.
I've changed too. and yet I need someone to tell me whether it was for the better.
for my brain's giving me mixed signals.
I'll just have to wait for the answer.
I'll just have to wait till friday night.
friday night.

And suddenly, everything around me's all silent again.
It's just me, Five for fighting, against the still world.
The non-moving world.
Stopped in time.
While i try not to get pushed forward.
Don't push me. please.
I've had enough of the action.
I just want to still and get lost in time.
Lost in the melodious tune of the past.
And stay left behind in the past.
for ever.
and ever.

Current Mood: Peaceful-Sad
Current weather: Rainy

-And she feels better than ever-

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