Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Confused Identity

-You looking for something you can't find, if you give it up you'll lose your mind-

Didn't come online yesterday due to a sudden sleeping obsession. Slept from 6 to 10.30, ate dinner and went back to sleep.
But still, i fell asleep during econs lecture!
And publications seems more and more fun.
Looking forward to the publicity campaign.
And having the cca dominated by gong jiao people is really interesting.
Gonna see how this turns out...

And the boy looks at his dad.
"But daddy, why must we open doors for girls?"
The dad looked at him. and in the softest and most gentle voice the boy has ever heard, it told him,
"Because we are suppose to be gentlemens, son."
"But daddy, what is a gentlemen suppose to do?"
"He is suppose to be gracious and giving to females."
"But why? why can't they do the same?"
And to that, the dad had no answer.
Neither did the boy.

Mood: Full-Confused
Weather: Hot Night
Random View: E-learning beats learning, anytime, anywhere.

-But what can you say? You're gonna have a good day

"There'll always be a rainbow after the storm,
But a storm before every rainbow."

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