Monday, June 04, 2007

When The world crashes down on you.

Well, it just gets worse and worse.

When something goes wrong, we feel bad, but it's ok.
When everything goes wrong, we feel terrible, but we still live on.
When everything goes wrong, and we don't know why everything is going wrong, we go crazy.

Well, i guess it's happening to me now.
When things just screws up suddenly right in your face.
and you don't know how to react.

When social relationships pummels down-hill, and you don't know why.
When Life laughs in your face and screws up your red carpet of life.

But, at least, we learn.
we learn from these troubles.
The harder we fall,
the more we learn.

I guess what i've learnt from these relationship breakdowns is very important.
Something that people have been trying to tell me since a long time ago.
and yet i didn't believe them.

That's trust.

At first I thought, trust comes naturally.
When you trust someone,
they will definitely trust you back.
Even by worse situations,
they will put their trust in you if you put yours in theirs.

Well, after this major crash of my social life, i guess that above theory is wrong.
Even when we out our trust in someone,
they might not trust you back.
When we believe in someone,
they will just back-stab you and leave you to die.
When we talk to someone,
they are thinking how to destroy you.

When things go wrong, we learn.
But does this knowledge improve our current situation?

the worst thing is of this is,
the betrayal came not from someone which i expected to.
and rather came from someone whom i've built trust on.

Well, life is now playing a cruel trick on me again.
TO test whether i've learnt my lesson.
And the test is for me,
to either leave and abandon the building which i've built using trust as one of the main pillars and haboured most of my friendships.

to stand in the building, let it crash, and build it up again.

I don't know which one to choose.
Which is the correct option.
I've learnt my lesson, but how do i get by this obstacle?

I guess, I'm not that innocent after all.
I learn, and adapt.
adapt to the cruel and unfeeling society.
to the society that will kill you and leave you to die in the streets.
to the society that will kill you without telling you why.
to the society that back-stabs you while joking with you.

I'm not that innocent after all.
I have to learn to adapt.
I have to lose my trusting self.
I have to.
or I'll fall down and into Death's arms.

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