Saturday, August 14, 2010

Faith is guilty!


And I just ate.
But my stomach feels weird.
Like a semi-state between hungry, and not so.

YOG was... sigh.
Ok i expected it to be...more magnificent.

I mean the Olympic flame had protesters trying to disrupt the flame
all along the way, igniting world-wide controversy.
And...what do we have?
A Primary school kid who ran 15km.
like.. ok......
I bet the people in... Mozambique run like 20 everyday.
or something.

While I was eating dinner and watching,
hearing the commentator go on about hope,
and world peace and whatsnot.
I switched to CNA.
This is in order what i saw:

"New Landslides in China-- Killed hundreds"
"Wall street down in 4 quarters consecutively"
you get the idea.

Oh wells.
Let's hope the athletes from China don't have relatives in that landslide.

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