Sunday, April 20, 2008

The End Of The Beginning

-Throw me away, forget yesterday-

haha so I'm here. again.
Added twitter function at the sidebar.
so i guess you all can.. know what i'm doing every hour or something?
though it's like pretty stupid.
unless it's like a secret admirer or something or something.

ANYWAY. I'm blogging on Flock! haha this is like the best browser ever!
It's built on firefox base systems. so it has all of firefox capabilites.
but it has in-built facebook,twitter, blogging,youtube and lots more sidebars!
so in one click i can see everyone on facebook or listen to music on youtube.
haha so cool right.
go google flock and find out yourself, don't take my word on it.

tired tired! still have to do pi and stuff and whatsnot.
looks like tonight's gonna be a long night for me.
long long night.

and yy wants me to say she rocks. again. haha ego girl. =p

And i just finished watching minutemen in disney channel.
haha brilliant show! have always liked their small-profile shows.
cause of the deep meaning underneath all the pleasing-child stuff.
Unlike their High school musical bitch gossip thingy.
Anyway, minutemen got me thinking.
if there was one thing.
just one thing.
that i could change back in time.
what would it be?

What would it be?

Mood: Thinking-Stressed-Work!
Weather: Sunny Afternoon
Random view: Flock's better then firefox! =D

-We'll make the great escape-

Blogged with Flock

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