Monday, June 11, 2007

The Aftermath.

so erm.
Lots of stuff happening in my life lately.
None are good.

I bet you guys won't need any more summaries.
Some people can't see I'm in enough emotional pain already and still wants to spite me.

so ya.
I still stand by my self.
And I do see ,now that trust is out of the way, the happenings around me.
I can spot now, the traps laid for me.
and dodge them accordingly.

And i can't believe all those kind and innocent things i said while i was blinded by trust.
But now i see.
the faults of the world.

how friends just try to trick things out of you and get you into trouble.
how people are joking with you while backstabbing you at the same time.
I see it all now.

I'm probably going crazy.
that's it.

That' what i've always wanted anyway.
to be able to go crazy.
only by going crazy can we see out of logic.

stop asking me about what i mean on my blog posts.
if i put there as unknown.
it's MEANT to be unknown.
so stop it before i start a private blog.
i guess nobody cares anyway.
i should be happy there's someone reading this.

My life sucks.
and nobody can disagree more.

P.S. thanks to some special people who has been well, not spiting me while i was being so down.

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