Wednesday, October 06, 2010

It's your birthday birthday

And Life as he knew it would change, the moment he reached 21. The Association would pick him up. He would never know what was coming, his powers, it was all locked in. They had to get to him before it all came out. They have to control his initial burst, and then train him.

ok I'll just skip to the best part, presents! =D
from fang yu yeongjing amanda ann judi esther (did I miss anyone out?)

dumb-bells! HAHAA. vinyl! wooo!
HAHAHA. Now I can train at home! no more school gym! =D
it's mahjong, it's rubik's, it's.. a magic cube!
courtesy of dezhan and hari, it features mahjong, rubiks and hours of fun!=D
and last but not least!
bread from mdm loh! =D thanks! =D

thanks to everyone who celebrated and/or wished my happy birthday!
really appreciated it! =D

and they train fervently, the students of the Association, knowing that one day, all, including him, would have to face the fearful, the dreaded Corporation. It was just a matter of time, and even that wasn't on their side. They trained.

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