Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Title not recognized

Today is REST DAY! =D
I'm really really tired already.
Hope today can recharge me
nice and good.

Got my hands on The Fratellis's album: Costello Music
It's good. Like really upbeat catchy tunes good.
Should go and listen to it sometimes.

Anyway! A little something to spruce up this blog

Q What would have on your headstone?
A Respawning in 5...4...3...2...
Q What's your dream car?
A Hmm.. A Lamborghini probably.
Q Is pornography morally wrong?
A Kind of. I mean it kind of objectifies human as sex objects. But if it was used as an art form, then probably not.
Q Write the opening line of a wonderful novel
A A flash. He woke up. Another flash. He was dead.
Q What's the best music video ever?
A This too shall pass-Okgo (A rube Goldberg machine? hell yea!)
Q If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
A Probably immediately. THEN tell them I've already invested it so I'm broke now. muahaha.
Q Do you carry a donor card? Why (or why not)?
A Nahh. Don't feel THAT motivated to donate. Not just yet.
Q Where would you like to retire?
A California maybe.
Q What is something you wish you were better at doing?
A Guitar, and studying. Yea we shouldn't forget studying.(my life is so screwed)
Q What colour do you prefer your pens to write?
A High-class black
Q Are babies cute?
A Kind of? UNTIL they grow up. It's always the growing up that sucks.
Q Do you subscribe to a magazine? If so, what?
A subscription musbription. It's another way of conforming to the capitalist ideals of the government!
Q What's your favorite shape?
A I... Don't..know.
Q What was the last thing you used a microwave for?
A Heating up pasta and spaghetti with melted cheese. Yum.
Q What book are you reading?
A "Survival guide when disaster strikes" -Cody Ludin(I know the book is good.)
Q Do you like rollercoasters?
A Never tried them, don't think I want to, either.
Q Which came first – the chicken or the egg?
A The egg. 'cause if we followed the whole thing about evolution then we would need a dinosaur resembling a chicken(but not yet a chicken) to lay an egg which has mutated into a chicken.
Q Cite a song lyric that means something to you
A "Get Me Outta Here"
Q What's the best photo you've ever taken?
A Never. I should pick up photography.. someday, right?
Q Write a new couch gag for the opening credits of The Simpsons
A HAHHAA. THIS. IS .AN.AWESOME. QUESTION. ok hmmm. When the simspons family sits together the TV in front of them shows the exact same scene and over..and over.. and over... and lisa screams in the pure paradoxical nature of the scene. HAHAHA.
Q Tell me a knock knock joke
A A. knock knock B. Hello!
Q Describe yourself in five words
A Aromantic, outspoken, convincing, motivated, Handsome
Q Who should play James Bond now that the role is vacant?
A Me.
Q Write a haiku (3 lines, 5–7-5 syllables)
A In the black winter\She sat there, moulding plastic\Awaiting the news
Q What comic book (or cartoon) character would you be? Why?
A Timmy Turner in Fairly Odd Parents. I mean.. wishes! hellll yes.
Q What's the oldest thing you own?
A GameBoy. First generation. Working condition. Beat That.
Q What's your favourite word?
A aibohphobia
Q What word(s) do you hate?
A Nahh. nothing in particular.

Alright yea.
This should be a long enough post.
I'm going
front of
the tv
whole day
and rocks! wooooooooo!

Now playing: The Fratellis - Baby Fratelli

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