Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I'm just a kid.

(I woke up it was 7, waited till 11, figured out that no one would call)
Hello all. back for another long-lacked update.

(I think I've got alot of friends, but I don't hear from them.)

Sigh. still confused.
About everything. boo.

(I'm just a kid, and life is a nightmare)

and everything is now horrible! like ARGHH.
I've got a last-ditch plan though. heh.
Though it's kinda lame. But I have a feeling it'll work.

I have to reverse the damage I done.
And yea apparentally I think it's true.
My mum went to do something to that red thread she put in my wallet -.-
no wonder life's been so hectic.

(I'm all alone... tonight. Nobody cares...tonight.)

Going to take it out from my wallet.
In order to try to reverse everything.
Put everything back where they belong.
Un-mess everything.

I'm going to miss alot of stuff.
But if the red thread theory is true,
I'm going to be all alone, once again.
Like how it was meant to be.

(Cause I'm just a kid...tonight.)

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