Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So it's 3 more days to prelim.
I'm feeling very messed up now.
As the prelim nears, I keep getting more and more worried.However, I just can't get the mood to study. Even though i force myself to study, 20 mins into studying and I'll give up.What's wrong with me? I need a wake up call!
Just to add to my already crazy 'mind congestion' My just bought mp4 2 weeks ago spoilt. argh. The damn screen cracked. I mean, WHICH LOUSY PLAYER'S SCREEN WILL CRACK WITHIN 2 WEEKS?!?! So I have to think of wad to tell my dad when he comes home. sigh.
p.s. it was made in china. =.='' No $$ to get the real one.
Life Sucks.

Yesterday, after coming home at 6.30pm, I felt tired, so I went to take a short nap, wanted to sleep for about an hour and den wake up and study, but when i woke up it was 6.30a.m. the next morning! ARGH I slept for a damn 12 hours la! Wasted my time. gah.

Anyway, since nobody ever wants to take a 1 hour nap and wake up only 12 hours later, i figured out either some supernatural being wanted to communicate to me or my subconsciouses mind wanted to speak to me. Since I've been so mentally confused and stressed, i figured out my mind had to speak to me about it.

Well, to keep it short, I had a 12 hours dream.


Disclaimer: This dream is bizzare. I mean REALLY bizzare. So don't make it the talk of the town. Thanks a lot!

okay, so it goes like this.
I was at a HDB estate, and I met this gang of gangsters. For some weird reason, they seem to know me and i know them too. So we went to a nearby hawker centre chatted for a while.
Then, 3 months later(It felt like 3 months later), I appeared in this secondary school. Except, it wasn't cat high. It was some lousy neighborhood school(I mean really really lousy.) I figured out by some means those gangsters got me transferred to this school. I was sitting in a classroom, everywhere i look, i can see either girls at a corner of the classroom smoking, or guys talking loudly.When the teacher came in, they held no regard at all for that teacher and only scolded her and shouted at her.Or him, i can't remember.
When it was P.E., I was doing sit-ups when i accidentally bumped into this guy, he stood up and scolded me and almost punched me.
After that, when I return back to class, I saw (I know this is bizzare) Andrew Tan , Ryan Hong, Zhiwei, and 2 other guy from my class which i can't remember. It seemed that they were transferred down to this lousy neighborhood school with me too. They appeared shocked that they were transferred into this school and were getting pretty depressed.
Suddenly, someone shouted, " Look, The elite School is here to use our facitiles!"
We all rushed to the window. They were all staring with awe and shock at the elites that were walking past our class.
When I looked out, I saw CLASS 4-5 walking past. If I can remember correctly, I saw steven teo and prehaps samuel bay walking past. Then, suddenly, I saw Nicholas Quake walking past. He was wearing a super large Purple badge that covered the whole of the front pocket. On it was the words: "President Of The Plethora Club" Then as the last few walked past, I woke up.


SO this is weird. If brain was trying to tell me something, what was it?
I thought it might be that Cat High was a good school and i shld treasure being in such a good school.
But then, What about the people i saw ? They were so distinct and specific I felt they represented something. But I just can't get it.
So yea That's about it.
Anyway I need to go somewhere to do my e-Learning tomorrow! I can;t study at home for nuts. So I need a mugging place. Anyone mind accompany-ing me?

My Life Sucks.

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