Sunday, July 07, 2013

The reason why I'm me.

I'm not normal.

Some call it special
Words i've gotten include:

In the first few days,
It was a concerted effort,
to be different,
to outshine,
to stand out.

By this point of time,
years down the road.

It just comes naturally.
The things I have learnt,
the skills I have mastered,
the tricks of the minds,
the nuances of conversation.

Now, it becomes a concerted effort
to not go wild with whatever i know,
with whatever i'm doing.

People are scared.
They say they're not,
but I see it in their eyes.

I just can't hide it,
I can't go back to being normal.

It's much too late.

I feel like a Frankenstein monster,

but most of the time,
i just pity all who try to be normal.

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