Monday, April 23, 2012

with the sun shining down on me and you

Relativity sucks.
We suffer because of relativity, because as a collective human race,
we have been cursed with one major flaw,
the inability to think in absolute terms.

We take things/people for granted because we compare them to a state in the near past,
in which we still have that certain thing/someone,
and in the future, we are unable to imagine life without that thing/someone,
thus there no longer exist a fixed absolution of comparison, resulting in taking things for granted.

It works the same for greed.
We want more money, wealth,
because we are unable to experience life being poor,
without this level of comparison, we no longer know what it is to be poor,
and thus, no matter how fat one's bank check can be, they ARE poor.
 Thus exist greed.

Jealousy, Pride, Lust.

IF we had a definite value of comparison, maybe we would be more contended.
Stop fighting so much,
stop hating so much,
and love more.

When I came back from my BMT field camp (5 days in the jungles), I remember lying on my bed,
and staring at the ceiling, thinking: I don't need anything else in the world, I just want to lie here. I am contended.

After going through days of torture, of mud, sweat, tears, of rain,
anything was heaven,
our first taste of soft drinks,
first touch of silk,
first smell of clean clothes.
We no longer remembered our unhappiness,
we no longer wanted more money, more joy,
we just wanted to live, then and then.

Maybe that's what the world needs.
Days of torture, of mud, sweat, tears and rain.
And after everything,
through the debris, the destruction, the death.

we would learn contentment.

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